Science of science and management of s . amp; . t 科学学与科学技术管理
Science of science and management of s . . t 科学学与科学技术管理
Laboratory animal science and management 实验动物科学与管理
Environmental science and management 环境科学与管理
Remote medical science and management technology of modernization of medical record 远程医学与病案现代化管理技术
Science and management 科学与管理
Professional studies , resource science and management , rural management , science 重点学科:农业经济,天然资源管理,澳洲研究。
I come from the uk and graduated from cambridge university in 1992 with a degree is computer science and management studies 1993年毕业于英国剑桥大学,获得了计算机科学的硕士学位。
It is the first of its kind to be offered in hong kong . it suits students who are interested in science and management related to sport and exercise 是一项全日制课程,首次在本港开办,特别为有志钻研运动科学和康乐管理有关方面的人士度身订做。
It is the first of its kind to be offered in hong kong . it suits students who are interested in science and management related to sport and exercise 是一项全日制课程,首次在本港开办,特别为有志钻研运动科学和康乐管理有关方面的人士度身订做。